Are Premier League scrapping VAR? Landmark decision explained as top tier clubs set to vote

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A motion to scrap VAR could be passed by clubs in the Premier League.

A major change could be on the horizon in the Premier League. Video Assistant Referee (VAR) has been a core component of how matches in England’s top division are officiated - but it could be thrown to the wayside ahead of next season.

Wolverhampton Wanderers recently submitted a formal resolution to the Premier League regarding VAR’s status - as such, a vote will be held to decide on its future.

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Why has it been proposed and when is the vote?

Since its introduction to the Premier League, VAR has been a deeply divisive system - many feel it has failed to achieve its intended purpose, which was to iron out refereeing mistakes.

Despite its presence, errors still occur - moreover, whenever it is called into action, it brings the game to a grinding halt. Furthermore, it can make fans reluctant to immediately celebrate goals for fears of them possibly being ruled out.

All 20 Premier League clubs will vote on June 6 to decide whether VAR should be scrapped or not. The vote will be held in Harrogate, according to BBC Sport.

How many clubs must support the motion for it to be passed?

For the motion to be passed, it will require the support of at least two thirds of the clubs in the Premier League. As such, a minimum of 14 teams must vote in favour for it to go through.

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When was VAR introduced to the Premier League?

Conceived in the early 2010s, VAR was formally introduced to English football in 2019. Perhaps the first time English audiences saw it in action was during the 2018 World Cup - its implementation in the tournament was deemed a success.

Will VAR be used at Euro 2024?

VAR will be in place for the Euro 2024 tournament. The vote on June 6 will have no bearing on this, as it only relates to its usage in the Premier League.

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