Patrick Butley: Serial shoplifter who targeted same Co-op in Bestwood jailed & banned for 2 years

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A serial shoplifter who targeted the same store 27 times in Bestwood and even helped himself to items - sometimes more than once a day - has been jailed. Patrick Butley, 43, repeatedly went into Co-op in Beckhamton Road and stole from the shop in a span of six months between December last year and the start of June.

Each time, he slipped into the store, grabbed whatever items he could, placed them in a bag, and walked out without paying. Most of Butler’s thefts, 21 in total, occurred while he was wanted for failing to appear in court after being charged on March 12.

After failing to attend court on that date, Butler, who had stolen £210 worth of stock from the store between December and February, went missing. However, it didn't take long for him to reoffend. On March 23, the thief stole cheese and laundry products during two visits to Co-op.

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He continued his spree by stealing from the shop eight more times between March 24 and May 2 before going into hiding again. On May 4, Butler made three separate trips to Co-op, once walking out with a shopping bag full of items. He then visited the store twice on May 12 and twice more on May 13, each time filling a bag with stolen goods.

Patrick Butley, 43, repeatedly went into Co-op in Beckhamton Road and stole from the shop in a span of six months between December last year and the start of June. Patrick Butley, 43, repeatedly went into Co-op in Beckhamton Road and stole from the shop in a span of six months between December last year and the start of June.
Patrick Butley, 43, repeatedly went into Co-op in Beckhamton Road and stole from the shop in a span of six months between December last year and the start of June. | Nottinghamshire Police

Butler returned to the store five more times before stopping, with one theft on May 25 involving him shoving a staff member before leaving. In total, Butler took nearly £1,400 worth of stock during his theft spree.

After multiple attempts to arrest him, officers finally tracked Butler down and apprehended him at an address in Top Valley during the early hours of June 12. Butler, of Leiston Gardens, Bestwood Park, was subsequently charged with 21 counts of shop theft and failing to surrender to police.

He appeared at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on June 13, where he admitted to these offenses, along with six other thefts. Butler was sentenced to 12 months in jail and issued a criminal behaviour order (CBO) banning him from entering the store for any reason for the next two years.

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Sergeant Katie Taylor, of Nottinghamshire Police's Bestwood neighbourhood policing team, said: "Patrick Butler has been a pest to the Bestwood community for some time now – especially those working at the local Co-op. On no less than 27 separate occasions, he walked into the shop with the sole purpose of helping himself to items without ever intending to pay for them. 

"Despite our officers catching Butler and charging him with the first six thefts, he then decided not to bother showing up to court to answer for what he'd done, but went into hiding instead. Not content with this, he then went on to steal from the same store again and again – taking around £1,400 worth of stock in the process.

"The arrogance he showed in continuing to target the same shop so many times was staggering, so we're really pleased to have been able to track him down and bring him before the courts. We fully understand how much of a negative impact shoplifters like Butler can have on communities, which is why targeting acquisitive crimes such as this remains one of our policing priorities for the city north area. 

“Shoplifting offences are a blight on the community, and are unfair on shoppers who spend their hard-earned money on items. We're really pleased with the court's ruling – not just the custodial sentence – as having this CBO in place means if Butler decides to repeat his offending, he will more than likely find himself behind bars again."