Sheffield thug beat teenage girl unconscious in street with metal bar before chasing her friend down

Cheyenne Sirvent, of Washington Road, Sheffield, attacked two teenage girls with a metal pole, even knocking one of them unconscious with a savage blow to the face. Picture: SYPCheyenne Sirvent, of Washington Road, Sheffield, attacked two teenage girls with a metal pole, even knocking one of them unconscious with a savage blow to the face. Picture: SYP
Cheyenne Sirvent, of Washington Road, Sheffield, attacked two teenage girls with a metal pole, even knocking one of them unconscious with a savage blow to the face. Picture: SYP
A thug thug beat a teenage girl unconscious in the street before chasing her friend down with one victim phoning her family saying, "Help me mum, I am going to die"

‘Help me Mum, I am going to die’ was the harrowing plea a mother had to hear during a phone call from her teenage daughter after being assaulted by a Sheffield man. On July 3, 2023, two teenage girls, aged 16 and 17, were brutally attacked on Washington Road by 21-year-old Cheyenne Sirvent.

Sirvent, armed with a metal pole and powered with rage, swung his weapon at the girls outside his property. One victim, aged 16 suffered serious facial injuries, requiring surgery, and was knocked unconscious.

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After leaving his first victim vulnerable on the floor, Sirvent hit his second victim, aged 17, who also suffered facial injuries before chasing her down the street. Regaining consciousness, the 16-year-old victim was able to call her mum for help, find her friend and stop a passing motorist for help.

The good Samaritan immediately called for the police and ambulance, but this wasn’t the first call the force control room had received. Sirvent, scared for repercussions after seeing the girls run, called for help to protect him from what he perceived to be armed men approaching his house. He had no remorse to ensure those he had left bleeding received help.

As response officers and dog handlers arrived at a chaotic Washington Road just after 10.30pm, Sirvent was found to be in possession of a kitchen knife. Dog Handler PC Dan Radford of South Yorkshire Police and his partner PD Chase ensured Sirvent complied with officers to be detained.

While detained, Sirvent told officers where he had put the weapon used within his property. In custody he told officers how he believed the girls were trying to burgle his property while him and his father were inside, and he did not know he had caused injuries to the girls.

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Detectives from Criminal Investigation Department (CID) worked tirelessly around the clock, working 30 hours straight to ensure all evidence, medical records, clothing and accounts were pieced together to ensure justice for the victims. A case was put forward to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Sirvent was charged with two counts of wounding.

Sirvent later pleaded guilty to two counts of Grievous Bodily Harm and possession of a bladed article and offensive weapon. He appeared before Sheffield Crown Court on Friday (February 2) and was sentenced to two years and two months in prison.

Detective Constable Ashleigh Doggett, investigating officer, said: “I am pleased that Sirvent has been handed a lengthy sentence for his perverse actions in this brutal attack that will no doubt have long term impacts on his two young victims.

“No one should have to live in fear of such an attack. I hope that, with support and the safe knowledge that their attacker is behind bars, the two teenagers can now move on with their lives.

“We’re committed to tackling violence against women and girls in all its forms and we will continue to keep our streets safe from abusive criminals who seek to insight fear into the lives of others.”