Jack Howes: three men sentenced to combined prison term of 37 years after fatal Grimsby stabbing

Kian Feve, Robert Wattam and Darren Feve were all sentenced after they were found guilty of crimes in connection with the murder of 29-year-old Jack Howes in Grimsby. (Credit: Humberside Police)Kian Feve, Robert Wattam and Darren Feve were all sentenced after they were found guilty of crimes in connection with the murder of 29-year-old Jack Howes in Grimsby. (Credit: Humberside Police)
Kian Feve, Robert Wattam and Darren Feve were all sentenced after they were found guilty of crimes in connection with the murder of 29-year-old Jack Howes in Grimsby. (Credit: Humberside Police)
29-year-old Jack Howes was stabbed to death in Grimsby in the early hours of March 20, 2023

Three men have received their sentences after they were convicted in connection to the murder of 29-year-old Jack Howes in Grimsby.

Kian Feve, 22 of Southfield Road in Scunthorpe, Robert Wattam, 23 of Broughton, and Darren Feve, 55 of Scunthrope Road in Scunthorpe, were sentenced to a combined 37-year stint in prison, with two of the men due to spend time behind bars. All thee had pleaded not guilty ahead of their trial in November 2023.

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Following the two-week trial at Hull Crown Court, Kian Feve was found guilty of the murder of Mr Howes, while Wattam was found guilty of manslaughter. Darren Feve was found guilty of perverting the course of justice in connection to the fatal stabbing.

Kian Feve was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 22 years during a sentencing hearing on Monday January 8. Wattam was sentenced to a 15-year prison term, while Darren Feve was handed a one-year suspended sentence and has been ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid community work.

Mr Howes lost his life after he is said to have become embroiled in an altercation on Macaulay Way in the early hours of March 20, 2023. The 29-year-old was found by police officers on the street after receiving a report of a man laying in the street by a member of the public.

Mr Howes, who had sustained multiple stab wounds to his chest and stomach, was transferred to hospital where he sadly passed away from his injuries despite the efforts of medical staff. Humberside Police's senior investigating officer Detective Superintendent Nikki Burnett led the investigation into Jack's murder, and said that an investigation by police led to Feve and Wattam's arrest.

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She said: “Following the report to police, our enquiries swiftly commenced, including extensively reviewing hundreds of hours of CCTV footage in and around the area, conducting house-to-house enquiries, carrying out extensive analysis of phone data and various forensic examinations undertaken. From CCTV footage, Kian Feve and Wattam were identified as fleeing the scene of the offence and were both arrested on suspicion of murder a few days later.

“Further CCTV footage recovered identified Kian Feve and Wattam entering a property on Haycroft Street in Grimsby, immediately after the stabbing took place, remaining there for a short period of time, before being collected by a vehicle. A warrant was executed, and we searched the property, recovering a knife from the rear garden which was forensically examined. Blood was identified on the knife and following DNA testing, the blood was confirmed to be that of Jack Howes. DNA belonging to Kian Feve was also identified as present on the handle of the knife.”

Feve, 55, was found to have perverted the course of justice after he provided a false statement to police which said that Kian Feve was with him on the night of the fatal attack.