Derbyshire baby Elijah Shemwell said to have been murdered by mother’s boyfriend may have been “kicked” or “punched”, court hears

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A doctor has told a trial jury how a baby, said to have been murdered by its mother’s boyfriend, had injuries which indicated “kicking”, “punching” or “poking”.

Consultant paediatrician Dr Sarah Dixon, speaking about more than 20 bruises found on four-month-old Elijah Shemwell’s head and torso, said there were also signs of “fingertip compressions” on the infant’s chest. Elijah is alleged to have been shaken by Carl Alesbrook, just 16 at the time, on at least three occasions prior to his death on January 5, 2022.

Alesbrook, now 19, who denies murder, was in a relationship and living on a part-time basis with Elijah’s mother India Shemwell, who was 21 at the time. However Shemwell remained “emotionally and sexually involved” with the baby’s father Lee Varney - causing tensions between her and Alesbrook, the trial has heard.

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Elijah died of a “catastrophic” brain injury in hospital three days after paramedics were called to his Belper home on January 2 when the infant went into cardiac arrest.

Giving evidence at Derby Crown Court on Friday (June 21), Dr Dixon confirmed that at the time of his hospitalisation Elijah had suffered 38 rib fractures, four limb fractures, over 20 bruises to his head and torso and multiple bleeding including several bleeds to the brain (subdural hematoma).

Speaking about bruises found on Elijah, she said: “Possible mechanisms based on the size of the bruises are forceful grabbing and squeezing around the abdomen, kicking, punching, poking.”

The doctor said bleeding inside Elijah’s mouth was likely to have been caused by “knocking” or an object such as a bottle being “forcefully applied”.

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Jurors were told how on January 2 Alesbrook was alone with Elijah when he texted India Shemwell saying the baby was bleeding after having his bottle, which Shemwell replied was probably a result of teething or scratching.

Dr Dixon said Elijah would have showed signs of being in “prolonged distress” such as “crying” and “whimpering” due to the multiple fractures he had suffered leading up to his death. Speaking about limb fractures, the paediatrician said they would have required “pulling and twisting”, which “generates a lot of pain”, however Elijah did not receive effective pain relief.

She said: “I would expect him to be in distress, crying more than usual and I would expect his usual demeanor to be different. He had a social smile and was responding to his environment. I would not expect that he would want to smile and he would not be responding to his environment or feeding. I would expect whimpering, screaming and looking unhappy.”

The jury was shown footage taken by Shemwell on January 1 showing Elijah limp and unresponsive with a large bruise on his cheek. Around two hours before the footage was taken, the trial heard, Alebrook had called Shemwell out of the shower as the baby was unwell.

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Shemwell reported that Elijah was “screaming”, not feeding, and was “gasping”. Dr Dixon said the gasping or abnormal breathing was a sign of encephalopathy and that there had been an interruption to the breathing centres in Elijah’s brain.

Elijah is said to have suffered abuse by shaking on at least three occasions – one was several weeks prior to his death, one on January 1 and one on January 2 which proved fatal.

Vanessa Marshall KC, prosecuting, and reading from Dr Dixon’s report into Elijah’s injuries, said: “It’s your opinion that, taken in the context of the totality of injuries, the most likely explanation of the older subdural hematoma was Elijah suffered abusive shaking.

"It’s your opinion that Elijah suffered abusive shaking, generating encephalopathy on January 2.”

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Alesbrook, of Upper Greenhill Gardens, Matlock, denies inflicting grievous bodily harm (GBH) and GBH with intent on Elijah Shemwell between November 18 2021 and January 2 2022 - along with his murder on January 2.

The trial continues.