Cannabis dealer hid sawn-off shotgun in mum's kitchen in Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire

Stephen Howard, who hid a sawn-off shotgun in his mother’s kitchen, has been sent to a young offenders’ institution for five years Picture: Northamptonshire PoliceStephen Howard, who hid a sawn-off shotgun in his mother’s kitchen, has been sent to a young offenders’ institution for five years Picture: Northamptonshire Police
Stephen Howard, who hid a sawn-off shotgun in his mother’s kitchen, has been sent to a young offenders’ institution for five years Picture: Northamptonshire Police
A cannabis dealer who hid a shotgun in his mum's kitchen has been sent down for five years

A drug dealer who hid a sawn-off shotgun in his mother’s kitchen and a zombie knife in his bedroom has been locked up for five years.

Stephen Howard, 19, was arrested by Northamptonshire Police on July 10 last year, and a subsequent search of his home in The Hedges, Higham Ferrers, saw police officers find a sawn-off shotgun in a sports bag in a kitchen cupboard.

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They also found a large Rambo or ‘zombie’ type knife found in a backpack in his bedroom, cannabis plants, and other items concerned in the dealing of the Class B drug.

He went on to be charged with one count of possession of a prohibited firearm of length less than 30/60cm, one count of possession of an offensive weapon in a private place, one count of being concerned in the supply of a Class B drug – cannabis, and one count of producing a controlled drug of Class B – cannabis.

Also arrested was Howard’s mother, Louise Elford, 43, who was then charged with permitting the production of cannabis at her home. Elford, also of The Hedges, Higham Ferrers, admitted the charge and at Northampton Crown Court on December 13, 2023, she was sentenced to a six-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay a victim surcharge.

Howard appeared for sentencing at Northampton Crown Court on February 9, having changed his plea to guilty on the four charges ahead of a planned trial.

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For the firearms possession, he was sentenced to a five-year custodial sentence at a young offenders’ institution, with a deprivation order made for the gun and cartridges. He also received a 12-month concurrent sentence for the cannabis supply charge. No separate penalty was imposed for the possession of the Rambo knife or the production of cannabis charge, with deprivation and forfeiture and destruction orders made for the seized items.

After the sentencing, investigating officer Detective Constable Ali Ashford of Northamptonshire Police's CID North, said: “As a consequence of Stephen Howard’s involvement in the supply of illegal drugs, he made the decision to arm himself, either for protection or intimidation of others, with an illegal firearm.

“He also had another prohibited weapon in the form of a so-called zombie knife, which was also of significant concern to us as it had both sharp and serrated edges which would have easily made it deadly. Drug supply and weapons is a very dangerous combination, and there is no legitimate reason for anyone to have guns or knives such as these other than to cause fear or injury to others.

“Tackling drug harm and serious violence are both matters of priority for Northamptonshire Police, and we will always take every opportunity to enforce against those who break the law in this way. I’m pleased to see our commitment reflected by the courts with this significant sentence, and I hope Howard takes the opportunities offered to him while in custody to equip himself for a future free of crime.”