Mum gives birth in her bathroom in 27 seconds - with just one push

Sophie Bugg, 29, was 38 weeks pregnant when she popped to the loo in the middle of the night - only to leave the bathroom with a baby (SWNS)Sophie Bugg, 29, was 38 weeks pregnant when she popped to the loo in the middle of the night - only to leave the bathroom with a baby (SWNS)
Sophie Bugg, 29, was 38 weeks pregnant when she popped to the loo in the middle of the night - only to leave the bathroom with a baby (SWNS)
Sophie’s third child arrived less than a minute after she went to the bathroom.

A mum has given birth in record time at just 27 seconds - and only one push.

Sophie Bugg 29, was 38 weeks pregnant when she went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and gave birth less than a minute later.

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Sophie’s partner, Chris, was forced to act fast when Sophie appeared outside the bathroom with the baby’s head already between her legs. In just one push, she arrived into Chris’s arms.

Despite her extremely quick arrival, the baby is reportedly doing well with her family at their home in Basingstoke, Hampshire.

Sophie said the birth was “ridiculously fast”:

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"Actually pushing her out from when the lady on the phone told me to push only lasted 27 seconds, it was so fast.

"I had no pains and my waters hadn't broken, there was no realisation I was having her at all.

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"As I went to lift myself up, my body just got that feeling like I needed to push. So I sat back down and pushed”.

"I put my hand between my legs and her head was completely out. I shouted to my partner for help, went from the toilet to outside my toilet door on the top of the stairs, did one push and she was out!"

Sophie’s first baby, Paige, was also born in record time - just 12 minutes.

Sophie was then booked in for an induction for her second child Lexie, now two, to ensure she was in hospital this time round and gave birth 26 minutes after being induced.

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She said: "My first baby was quite an experience - you don't expect anything like that with your first labour, to just be at home and then all of a sudden you've got a baby.

"You don't know what to expect. You get told all these different things from people like you're going to have a show, you'll have waters go, so you're waiting for these things to happen and they didn't for me so I didn't think I was giving birth until her head was out.

"My second baby, the doctors were so worried with the fact of how quickly I had my first that they had me induced so I was in hospital with my second, which was a relief.

"But then my third baby had the exact same plans as my first, but came even quicker! I couldn't believe how quickly she arrived.

Additional reporting by SWNS.

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