Susanna Reid: GMB bosses to 'build show around' presenter following Piers Morgan departure

Susanna Reid will emerge as the 'solo star' of Good Morning Britain, according to reports (ITV)Susanna Reid will emerge as the 'solo star' of Good Morning Britain, according to reports (ITV)
Susanna Reid will emerge as the 'solo star' of Good Morning Britain, according to reports (ITV)
Reports suggest that Susanna Reid could emerge as the ‘solo star’ of Good Morning Britain

ITV bosses are looking to build the Good Morning Britain brand around presenter Susanna Reid according to reports.

Susanna Reid has been a near-permanent fixture on the morning show following the departure of her former co-presenter Piers Morgan.

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According to The Sun, show producers are keen to retain the services of Reid, 50, who along with Morgan was seen as the face of the show.

A source told the tabloid that ITV are looking for “someone to steady the ship” with Reid seen as the ideal candidate.

‘The Susanna Show’

According to the source “Piers’ sudden departure has, of course, put a rocket up everyone.

“But what ITV needs now, more than ever, are calm heads and someone to steady the ship."

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They go on to claim that the show will hand more responsibility to Reid who they describe as “smart, feisty and opinionated”.

Making the case for Susanna Reid they said: “Susanna has proven herself a consummate broadcaster for the past ten years — and clearly has the star factor.

“She is smart, feisty and opinionated. She may have been Piers’ foil for the past five years, but she’s so much more than this — and now it’s very much a case of The Susanna Show.

“ITV have offered her their full backing, and she will have even more editorial say going forwards.”

Alex Beresford and Andi Peters vying for promotions

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The Sun insider also claimed that presenters Alex Beresford and Andi Peters were pushing for new roles.

Alex Beresford who locked horns with Piers Morgan during an argument over claims by Morgan that the Duchess of Sussex was lying about her mental health. During thc lash Morgan stormed off the show and resigned from Good Morning Britain.

According to the insider: “Alex hasn’t formally applied for Piers’ job, but has made it quietly known he’s more than happy, and able, to step up as a presenter if and when he’s needed.

They also note that ‘competitions man’ Andi Peters is in line for a promotion.

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They said: “Behind the scenes, Andi is very popular, and polls well with viewers despite, arguably, having the unenviable task of making competitions sound interesting.

“He will be given more opportunities to step up too.”