Scarlet Blake: Cat killer found guilty of murdering man as family pay tribute to 'beloved' son

Cat killer Scarlet Blake, 26, has been found guilty of murdering Jorge Martin Carreno on a night out in July 2021. Picture: Thames Valley PoliceCat killer Scarlet Blake, 26, has been found guilty of murdering Jorge Martin Carreno on a night out in July 2021. Picture: Thames Valley Police
Cat killer Scarlet Blake, 26, has been found guilty of murdering Jorge Martin Carreno on a night out in July 2021. Picture: Thames Valley Police
Cat killer Scarlet Blake who had a “fixation with violence and with knowing what it would be like to kill someone” has been found guilty of murder

A cat killer obsessed with violence, strangulation, and death has been found guilty of murdering a man after brutally attacking him and leaving him to drown in a river. Scarlet Blake, 26, deliberately targeted Jorge Martin Carreno, a 30-year-old Spanish national, as he walked home from a night out in Oxford in July 2021.

She led him to a secluded riverbank where he was hit to the back of the head with a vodka bottle, strangled and then pushed into the River Cherwell where he drowned, Oxford Crown Court heard. Blake, of Crotch Crescent, Oxford, denied murder but was convicted on Friday (February 23) and will be sentenced on Monday morning (February 26).

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Prosecutors said Blake killed the BMW worker because she had a “fixation with violence and with knowing what it would be like to kill someone”. His murder came four months after Blake live-streamed the sadistic killing of a cat, after which she dissected the animal, removed its fur and skin and placed its body in a blender.

During the horrific video, the New Order song True Faith plays in the background, which the court heard was in homage to the Netflix documentary called Don’t F*** with Cats in which a man kills kittens before filming the murder of a human.

During the trial, the court heard Mr Martin Carreno had been out with work colleagues in Oxford city centre and was trying to get home when Blake found him sat down in the street. She was captured on CCTV prowling the streets of Oxford looking for a victim wearing a heavy military-style hooded jacket, face mask and carrying a rucksack, which prosecutors said contained a "murder kit" a garrotte and leopard print dressing gown cord, which she denied.

Spanish national Jorge Martin Carreno was murdered on a night out in July 2021Spanish national Jorge Martin Carreno was murdered on a night out in July 2021
Spanish national Jorge Martin Carreno was murdered on a night out in July 2021

Blake also denied she was looking for a victim that night and instead had gone for a walk because she could not sleep. She said she walked with Mr Martin Carreno to Parsons Pleasure and left him there alive to go home. She told the trial: “I don’t know how he died. I assumed he drowned. It wasn’t something I did. As to how, I still don’t know, I wasn’t there.”

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It was suggested Mr Martin Carreno may have taken his own life, but any hint he was suicidal was rejected by his friends. An empty bottle of vodka was found in the river and the bottle top was nearby on the bank, which had traces of the defendant’s DNA on it.

Home Office pathologist Dr Brett Lockyer said he did not believe it likely the Spanish national could have died accidentally. He ruled out the possibility Jorge died immediately after being strangled with a broad ligature or neck hold and said he drowned.

The court heard Blake confess to former partner Ashlynn Bell, who lives in the US, that she had killed Mr Martin Carreno with a homemade garrotte before throwing his body in the water. According to Thames Valley Police, Black has shown to be a character that lacks empathy and has lived life in fantasy, devoid of reality, with a complete lack of any remorse or compassion throughout the investigation.

Senior Investigating officer Detective Superintendent, Jon Capps of Thames Valley Police’s Major Crime Unit, said: “Today’s verdict marks the end of a long and complex investigation. I know that many will want to focus on the actions and behaviour of this defendant.

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“There are several aspects of this case that have been truly disturbing to see, hear and deal with. This defendant showed calculated cruelty. The acts Blake has been convicted of are barbaric and chilling. The murder was premeditated with total disregard and distain for life. Thankfully crimes such as these are incredibly rare.

“Jorge was enjoying a night out with friends and had his life in front of him. He had made plans, he was happy and in the words of his friend, ‘ready to enjoy every single drop of his life’. That has been taken away from him. He clearly meant so much to so many. It is Jorge’s life that will be remembered over and above the actions of this defendant. The family tribute is beautiful to read and says more than I ever could possibly do justice to."

Jorge Martin Carreno - familiy tributes

Jorge's family released an emotional tribute following the verdict, describing him as a "beloved son and brother", and an "extraordinary being full of passion and kindness". The family said: "Jorge was not only an exemplary child but also an exceptional being. He was distinguished by his incredible affection, friendliness, and his ability to give himself fully to others.

“Jorge's innate curiosity and creativity drove him to explore, learn, and experiment tirelessly. He studied electrical engineering, where his dedication and passion were evident in every project he undertook, manifesting in a deep commitment to innovation. He dreamed of a future where he could make a difference with his skills and ambitions, aspiring to create and build a better world.

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"His life was imbued with love for music, photography, reading, and sports. He played the guitar skilfully and radiated kindness and humour among all those lucky enough to know him."

The family said being a triplet brother, Jorge shared not only blood ties with his brothers, but was also their best friend. They said: "Jorge, with his caring and friendly nature, lit up any place, always spreading joy with his wit and contagious curiosity. With a great sense of humour, his immense desire to live and enjoy life made him a special being. Always ready to help and listen to others, Jorge was, above all, an incredibly good person.

“The loss of Jorge has not only left an open wound in the heart of his family but also in all those who had the pleasure of knowing him. This loss feels like a traumatic, devastating blow, leaving a void impossible to fill. Going through the pain of losing a son, a brother, under such tragic and unjustified circumstances, is a trial no family should face.

“Today his absence leaves a deep wound in our hearts. His life was stolen, cutting short his projects and dreams. This tribute is not just a reminder of Jorge but also a call to justice. There can be no peace until justice is served. We ask not only for justice for him but also for protection to prevent other people, other families, from suffering the immense pain caused by such cruel and senseless murders."