'Dangerous sexual predator and liar' locked up after 'abhorrent' sex assaults on two young girls

Kevin Gleeson denied the attacks on his young victims who are know adultsKevin Gleeson denied the attacks on his young victims who are know adults
Kevin Gleeson denied the attacks on his young victims who are know adults
He was found guilty of 12 offences and is now behind bars for his crimes against two young girls

An Irthlingborough man has been jailed for the ‘abhorrent’ historic sexual assault of two girls. Kevin Gleeson, 67, was reported to Northamptonshire Police in August 2020 by his now-adult victims. An investigation uncovered how Gleeson, of Straws Close, had repeatedly assaulted one of the girls and then the other, Northamptonshire Police said in a statement released today.

He was charged with 11 counts of indecent assault on a girl under 14, and one count of gross indecency with a girl under 14, all of which he denied. Following a trial at Northampton Crown Court Gleeson was found guilty by the jury on all 12 counts and he has now been jailed for eight years. He will also have to sign the sex offender register indefinitely.

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Detective Constable Abigail Kennedy said Gleeson's attacks on the young children were "abhorrent". She said: “I am very glad that he has received a significant prison sentence which reflects the severity of his offending. The passage of time may have left Gleeson feeling he had got away with what he did, but thanks to the courage of the two survivors who came forward to report him he has now been proven in court to be both a dangerous sexual predator and a liar. Their support throughout our investigation and the court process has been key to securing Gleeson’s conviction and I very much hope both the guilty verdicts and sentence help them to continue to heal.”