UK passes milestone of 60m coronavirus vaccinations issued

Saturday saw one of the highest totals of jabs administered since the rollout began.Saturday saw one of the highest totals of jabs administered since the rollout began.
Saturday saw one of the highest totals of jabs administered since the rollout began.
Saturday, May 22, saw 762,000 jabs administered in a single day.

The UK has passed the significant milestone of administering 60m coronavirus jabs, the Health Secretary has announced.

Matt Hancock Tweeted saying Saturday was a "huge day", with 762,361 first or second jabs given, one of the highest daily totals since the rollout began.

“We’ve now done 60 million vaccines across the UK.

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“This is a fantastic milestone in our fight against this virus.

“Thank you to everyone involved in our national effort.

“When you get the call, get the jab", he wrote.

The milestone announcement comes as a study found the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are both highly effective against the Indian variant of coronavirus following both jabs.

The latest government data shows 556,951 UK adults received a second jab on Saturday, meaning that 43% of the adult population - 22,643,417 people - are now fully vaccinated.

A total of 205,410 first doses were administered on the same day, reaching 37,943,681 people, or 72% of UK adults.

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NHS England data shows a total of 6,394,774 jabs were given to people in London between December 8 and May 22, including 4,106,131 first doses and 2,288,643 second doses.

This compares with 5,982,722 first doses and 3,686,053 second doses given to people in the Midlands, a total of 9,668,775.

The breakdown for the other regions is:

– East of England: 3,800,061 first doses and 2,291,363 second doses, making 6,091,424 in total– North East and Yorkshire: 4,976,129 first and 3,044,137 second doses (8,020,266)– North West: 4,047,126 first and 2,517,767 second doses (6,564,893)– South East: 5,183,985 first and 3,115,291 second doses (8,299,276)– South West: 3,390,685 first and 2,204,917 second doses (5,595,602)

Additional reporting by PA.