Departure of Liz Truss ignites clamour for General Election

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Liz Truss resigned as Tory leader after just six weeks in office (Getty Images)Liz Truss resigned as Tory leader after just six weeks in office (Getty Images)
Liz Truss resigned as Tory leader after just six weeks in office (Getty Images)
Liz Truss resigning creates more calls for a General Election

As Tories pull their hair out over who's to replace Liz Truss, the opposition parties are in full voice calling for a General Election.

Sir Keir Starmer demanded a poll “now” after Truss quit, and said Labour is “very prepared” with a manifesto ready to go.

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In the wake of Ms Truss’s resignation as Tory leader after a chaotic 44 days in office, the Labour leader said: “After 12 years of Tory failure, the British people deserve so much better than this revolving door of chaos”.

He said the Conservatives “do not have a mandate to put the country through yet another experiment” and that the British public “deserve a proper say” on the country’s future.

The fourth Tory PM in six years lasted a mere 45 days and has angered many of the electorate who didn't vote for her. Will a general election be likely? Not if the Conservatives can help it.