Why we have launched NationalWorld

Welcome to NationalWorldWelcome to NationalWorld
Welcome to NationalWorld

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Welcome to NationalWorld, a new national news brand for all of the UK.

First of all, thank you for reading. Before we get started, we want to introduce you to who we are, and what we stand for.

This is a new publication, and while we know that we’ll be judged by what we do, not what we say, it’s important to lay out our values, as well as what we think sets us apart. So what is NationalWorld?

National news from across the nation

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NationalWorld is a new national news brand, produced by a team of journalists, editors, video producers and designers who live and work across the UK. You can find out more about who we are here.

We will aim to provide incisive, informed and intelligent coverage of the issues that matter to you.

We are part of JPI Media, one of the UK’s leading regional media organisations. As such, we won’t report on the news through a London lens.

Instead, we will endeavour to shift the focus to the people, places and perspectives which are still often underreported and unheard in the media.

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We want to start a conversation about devolution and the distribution of power, jobs and culture across the regions of the UK, and we will expose inequalities where we find them.

With a team that includes specialists in national and regional news and sport, data journalism, investigations and audience engagement, we will cover the issues we believe our readers are genuinely passionate about, rather than the noise generated by social media.

We are optimistic about a more equal future

We are launching NationalWorld at a unique point in time. Our world has been turned upside down over the past year by the pandemic, with immense human loss, families forced apart, and normal life as we know it put on hold.

But as we begin to emerge from lockdown there is finally a chance to look to the future with a degree of optimism, and perhaps a new-found community spirit.

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Equally, there is a chance to do things differently, and we will report on solutions to problems, while reflecting on what we’ve been through, and what we’ve learned.

The battle over Covid is being won by the unsung citizens who also served by shielding or caring for others. These largely silent, decent, hardworking people have risen above the noise of politicians and the clamour of self-interest groups in order to hold the nation together. They have done that in the last year - and in many previous years, too.

Perhaps they deserve a different sort of country, a more levelled up society; a reforming society that sweeps away a class system that still nurtures prejudices that are social, geographical, educational and cultural.

The starting point for NationalWorld will be to challenge those institutions cocooned in the wealth and grandeur of the capital - political and cultural, including the media - that dictate to the other parts of the nation what they should be feeling, viewing and consuming and how they should be behaving.

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There is a need not just for political devolution but also genuine creative devolution that grows out of the community itself.

We will hold power to account

We will be bold and inquisitive in our reporting. We will call it as we see it, and we will aim to offer a fresh perspective, untainted by cosy relationships with politicians or big business.

Instead of merely reporting on what politicians say in briefings, we will assess the impact of their decisions on the country, telling the human stories behind the headlines.

We will advocate for change, when such campaigns are in the best interests of you, our readers, or when they contribute to making our country a better and fairer place.

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Through our journalism and investigations we will point out when organisations release limited data, and we will expose hypocrisy, corruption and cronyism among elected officials.

We will publish honest and frank opinion pieces - but these will have ideas, rather than negativity or point-scoring, at their core.

We will aim to bring new and diverse voices to the fore, rather than the same old media commentators.

We will invite you to have a say

One thing that has become clear over the past year is that people want news which is open and compassionate, told in a way that doesn’t talk down to readers.

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We will involve you, our audience, in our journalism, and actively encourage you to shape our reporting on the issues that matter to you.

We know that we can’t assume you’ll trust us from day one. We know that’s not a given.

But we do hope to earn this trust over time, and that we can repay your time and attention with robust, informative and entertaining journalism.

We’ll offer distractions too

In difficult times we know that escapism and light relief can be just as vital as hard-nosed news.

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We will aim to entertain as well as inform, whether that’s through a sharp piece of cultural commentary, an amusing video or a quiz that tests your niche knowledge.

We will cover entertainment and cultural genres like television, film, gaming, the arts and books, and lifestyle topics like travel, homes, money and food and drink - in a way helps you reach decisions on how to spend your valuable free time.

We will write about Sport in a way which puts the fans first, whether that’s poking fun at the pundits or bringing in new and authentic voices.

In our Recommended section we will review newly released products and spotlight the latest deals, so you can make informed choices around how to get more for your money.

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We will highlight positive, amusing and inspiring news stories from around the country, including from our sister titles across JPI Media.

We know we won’t get everything right, but if we do make mistakes we will be transparent about them, publishing corrections and showing where we’ve amended a story.

This is NationalWorld. We hope you’ll stay with us for the journey.

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