Former army, police and NHS worker caught with 'sickening' collection of child sex images

Stephen Millett, via Northumbria Police Copyright – No Reproduction Without PermissionStephen Millett, via Northumbria Police Copyright – No Reproduction Without Permission
Stephen Millett, via Northumbria Police Copyright – No Reproduction Without Permission
The former army sergeant, who worked in the police and NHS, has a ‘sickening collection of child sex images.

A former colour sergeant at the prestigious Sandhurst military academy discussed child abuse during a sickening online chat. After his 22-year army service, which included a stint at the Royal establishment from which the Prince of Wales and Prince Harry graduated, Stephen Millett went on to serve in the police force then worked for the NHS.

But Newcastle Crown Court heard the once highly respected 67-year-old went on to commit "disgusting" offences which a judge has said "beggars belief". Prosecutor John Hobley told the court Millett was caught with messages on his mobile phone where he discussed abusing a child in vile detail and told the recipient "you can watch". When police raided his home and seized his Samsung handset, officers found 19 category A pictures and videos, 13 category B and 17 category C. The court heard the youngest child featured in the sickening collection was aged between "zero and one". Six voyeuristic images, featuring a child, were also found.

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Millett, of Charles Drive, Widdrington, Morpeth, Northumberland, admitted three charges of making indecent photographs of children and one of voyeurism. Nicholas Lane, defending, told the court: "He can't explain. He has brought shame not only on himself but those organisations he has been proud to have previously been linked to and attached to."

Mr Lane said during his army career Millett was a warrant officer then spent time as a colour sergeant at the Royal Military Acadamy Sandhurst, something of which he was "very proud". Mr Recorder Toby Hedworth KC said: "He is a man, but for this offending, any member of the public would have had only the highest regard for. Then, extraordinarily, he gets himself involved in this sort of conduct."

Recorder Hedworth said Millett's case was "tragic" but also "disgusting" and told him: "It's an extraordinary case with someone with your background, with the positive public service you have provided throughout the whole of your working life in the different roles you have performed on behalf of the community, military service, subsequently police service, then service in respect of the NHS."

The recorder said potential financial concerns and perhaps "loneliness" led to Millett getting "sucked into" downloading illegal material while at his "lowest ebb". Recorder Hedworth added it was fortunate Millett's behaviour was stopped by the police and said: "It beggars belief". Millett was sentenced to 22 months, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements and £340 costs. He must now sign the sex offenders register and abide by a sexual harm prevention order for ten years.

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Recorder Hedworth added: "I take the view the support of the probation service at this time is liable to be of greater benefit to the community at large than simply locking you up today. For that reason and that reason only I suspend the sentence."