Pervert voyeur got sexual kicks by secretly filming women urinating in public toilets - including at pubs and service stations

The man filmed women using public toiletsThe man filmed women using public toilets
The man filmed women using public toilets
A perverted voyeur got his sexual kicks by secretly filming women on his mobile phone urinating in public toilets, a court heard.

Robbie Singh, 35, made 26 recordings at locations in Newcastle – and another at Washington Services. Singh, of Henry Street, Shiney Row, was hauled into court after police made the breakthrough of identifying one of his victims, prosecutor Brian Payne said.

Before that, the growing case against him had stalled despite him being convicted of a single same offence last November. For that, he was sentenced to a now-expired community order and given a sexual harm prevention order. In the latest hearing, at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court on April 3, 2024, he pleaded guilty to 27 counts of voyeurism – recording a private act, at sites believed to include pub toilets.

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Mr Payne said: “In very broad terms, this defendant recorded women as they urinated, using a camera phone. It’s abundantly clear from evidence on the camera phone that he was doing it for sexual gratification. He has been sentenced for one similar offence, with a community order and sexual harm prevention order.

“We have an identifiable victim which is how we can now bring charges. There’s no evidence he has posted these images. I respectfully suggest that you send this to the crown court, ostensibly on bulk and the obvious sexual gratification.”

Paul Green, defending, told magistrates: “I think, given the number of offences, I can’t oppose the application.”

Magistrates granted Singh conditional bail to be sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court on Thursday, May 2. He must reside at his home address, report to Washington police station each Wednesday between noon and 2pm and cooperate with the compiling of a pre-sentence report into his offending.

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