Kitchen herb planter ideas: how to create your own indoor herb garden - and where to buy the best kits

How to grow your own herb garden at homeHow to grow your own herb garden at home
How to grow your own herb garden at home

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Whether you want to grow sage, basil, rosemary, mint or thyme, this is what you need to grow your own herbs indoors

Herbs can bring the flavours in a dish alive, or add extra depth - the right seasonings can take the taste of a meal from average to outstanding.

Growing your own herbs is really rewarding; they’re fresher and there just what you need them - and you get the great sense of satisfaction of knowing you’ve nurtured them from seed.

It’s not always possible to grow herbs outside though. You may not have a garden or the correct type of terrain, and even if you do the unpredictable British weather means the conditions are not always favourable, making it difficult to keep your herbs alive.

Enter: the kitchen herb planter. By growing your own herb garden in the kitchen, you have the zest and convenience of fresh herbs, without fear they’ll be ravaged by the next storm.

How to I start my own herb garden?

Plant the seeds of your choice according the instructions on the packet, taking care to note how

Once you’ve planted your seeds, you should have your first batch of herbs around ten to 14 days after planting. To eat, simply snip the leaves off just above soil level, give them a rinse, and serve as you wish.

Once you have harvested the grown herbs, simply scatter a new batch of seeds on top of the used soil, leaving the old roots in as organic matter, to create a new batch.

We’ve rounded up all the best products that you need to start your own herb garden below.

If you prefer an easy option, there are also some really handy herb growing kits for sale which include all you need in one box. We’ve included some of the best of those too.

Order now and you could be proudly serving home-grown herbs as part of your meals in a matter of days.

What else can I buy for my home and garden?

Be sure to keep an eye on the home and garden page of our Recommended section.

If you, or a loved one, are green-fingered and love your garden you will want to check out these great gardening tool sets too.

Top tip: make sure to grow each herb in it’s own pot, so you know what is growing where.

This three-potted planter kit vaso mini siena, is ideal - a self-contained planting set with three ribbed terracotta pots and matching tray.

It’s ideal for growing fresh herbs indoors or out, and can be kept within easy reach of your cooking area to snip off some fresh leaves whenever y

For best results, position somewhere that will get at least four hours of sunlight, such as a south, east or west facing windowsill.

An ideal choice for gardening novices who want an easy introduction to growing and need some support to do it successfully.

It contains everything you need to grow 8 fragrant herb plants: seeds, pots, soil, clippers, name tags and an instruction manual.

Herbs included are: mint, basil, chive, sage, coriander, thyme, fennel and parsley.

Suitable for adults and children alike.

Top tip: if in doubt, plant loads of seeds.

This at home herb kit includes 12 varieties of aromatic herbs: basil, chamomile, chives, coriander, thyme, dill, garden cress, marjoram, lemon balm, oregano, parsley and sage.

Complete with full growing instructions, each kit comes with 15,000 seeds across the 12 varieties, so you’ll be well set for a bountiful herb planter.

Top tip: compost allows herbs to thrive thanks to being nutrient-dense.

A unique blend of peat-free compost, designed to give plants the perfect environment to thrive in.

This is organic compost, made of coconut coir; a sustainable, highly effective organic growing medium, used by growers all over the world.

It requires less watering than any other type of compost too so it will save you money on your water bill. It comes with Hessian bag and nutrient feed too, so you’ve got something to reuse for peat you buy in future.

Top tip: don’t over-water herbs - just keep the soil moist.

A striking copper-plated glass atomiser with a plastic nozzle producing a fine mist spray, it’s ideal for watering delicate herb seedlings with minimal disturbance.

You need to keep the soil just moist, as too much water can drown the seedlings and rot them. That’s why it’s best to use a mister so you can easily control the water level.

Top tip: no windowsill? Hanging planters are space-savers.

This lovely vintage-style macrame plant hanger supports three flower pots.

Simple, yet beautifully handcrafted, this planter could be hung in your kitchen window, or by the wall, or on your balcony if you have one.

If you’re looking to gift a herb garden to the foodie or green-fingered person in your life this is the perfect choice.

It’s called ‘mum’s herb crate’ but of course it could be given to anyone.

The recipient can grow sage, rosemary and mint in their very own miniature kitchen garden. It comes displayed in a stylish basket with wooden markers, so they can keep track of what’s what.

Order now for delivery from 16 March to 30 March.

The kit features five unique packets of seeds so it’s the one for you if you want to experiment a little with your flavours.

You’ll be able to grow rocket salad, basil sweet garden, parsley moss curled, coriander (leaf) and garlic chives.

Rocket salad is known for its peppery flavour.

Basil sweet green is an interesting alternative to traditional sweet basil and has hints of mint and clove.

Parsley moss curled seeds produce tightly curled, rich green leaved parsley.

Coriander (leaf) seeds provide a herb that is particularly popular in Asian Cuisine and is known for aromatic leaves.

Garlic chives, also known as Chinese chives, have bare flat leaves and a delicate mild garlic flavour.